If you caught the show it was very good.
The four panelists did a good job of inspiring the audience.
The main theme came down to being brave enough to work for yourself (taking the leap) and becoming excellent in what you do.
I don't know when the next episode of the Millionaire Mind will be but I put up a post when I hear more.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Millionaire Mind: Inspiration
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
7:02 PM
Labels: CNBC Millionaire Inside
Saturday, July 28, 2007
CNBC Millionaire Inside: Inspiration Reminder
Remeber that this Sunday CNBC will be airing the next in their series called: The Millionaire Inside, this week's topic is Inspiration.
For those of you who have not seen any of these shows yet be sure to check them out.
Thirty Day Challenge
For those of you who want to learn to make money online from experts for free check out www.thirtydaychallenge.com
I have done this competition for the last two years and it is awesome. You learn techniques from three experts who do this every year for free!
As a side note: For pet lovers, if you want four free pet books check out the members area of www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com/askavet.html
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
1:37 PM
Labels: ask a vet, CNBC Millionaire Inside, thirty day challenge
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Make Your Finances Automatic
If you haven't automated your bill paying you really need to start doing this.
By using an online automated bill pay system you can make sure you never miss another bill due date again.
I have been doing this for several years already and have never missed a payment.
(late bill payments are a great way to ruin your credit score.)
Here is an example of how I handle bills I don't know the exact amount I will owe that month. For my credit card I normally pay the whole balance every month. But to be sure I don't miss at least paying the minimum requried I always pay $20 automatically everymonth. That way if I forget to pay the whole amount I am at least covered for the minium payment.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
2:53 PM
Labels: automtic bill pay, epay, paying bills
Monday, July 16, 2007
$3000 in 30 days challenge results
Recently I decided to challenge myslef to earn $3000 in 30 in a new niche that I haven't tried before.
My rules were to only do article marketing (30 articels) and blog posts. The way I tried to earn money was through Adsense and Affiliate sales.
The results were dismal. I earned only $20. But I learned alot about article marketing and a new niche I haven't tried before.
I limited myself to not spend any money to advertise the site or set it up. Also I only limited myself to article marketing. I did not try any web 2.0 techniques which I have be having great success with my other websites.
I will provide more updates in the future.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
4:41 PM
Labels: Adsense and article marketing
Monday, July 9, 2007
CNBC Millionaire Inside: Debt
Last night CNBC aired a rerun of the Millionaire Inside episode about getting out of debt.
It wasn’t the best one in the series in my opinion because it goes over some very basic concepts and isn’t very inspiring.
There were four experts on stage as usual, two of them were David Back (Automatic Millionaire) and Robert Kyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)
They did announce that on July 28th there will be a new Millionaire Inside episode, this time focused on Inspiration.
I think this future episode will be very good in terms of getting money making concepts go.
Remember to set your TIVO for the 28th.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:20 PM
Labels: CNBC Millionaire Inside, David Bach, Rich Dad Poor Dad
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Managing Wealth
Managing wealth can seem to be on overwhelming task but there are lots of resources available to you in order to help you. Also, managing wealth can mean different things to different people.
Congratulations for taking the time to learn about managing wealth. Most people struggle just to pay the bills and seem to just get by in life. But for some people they have worked hard in managing their money to get the wealth they deserve. So how to we manage wealth?
For some people when they think about managing their wealth they think about preserving their current level of worth. This can be easily done by many low risk investments like bonds and conservatively managed mutual funds.
Some advocates suggest that having an asset allocation divided into bonds, stocks, and real estate is best. They say that this diversification is important so you are protected from one sector’s volatility, but as the same time you are exposed to all market opportunities.
If managing your wealth yourself seems overwhelming there are many experts to help you. When interviewing someone to help you manage your wealth be sure to find someone who shares your philosophy and make sure you don’t hire the first person you interview.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of information available to you, you have managed to gain enough assets to be concerned about managing them, which is point most people never reach.
By taking advantage to the wealth of knowledge on the internet and your local investment professional you can make managing your wealth easy.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
3:59 PM
Labels: building wealth, building wealth from home, Managing wealth, personal wealth strategy
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Wealth Seminars
Wealth seminars are great learning tools. Most wealth seminars are offered for free in your area, but are actually sales pitches to buy more expensive training courses. If you know this in advance and come prepared to learn, you can get a wealth of information from these courses.
When going to a wealth seminar be sure to bring a note pad and a pencil to take down notes. Some people will give you a free pen and paper, but don’t rely on this. Also it is a good idea to sit in the front so people coming and going don’t get in the way.
Another good reason for sitting in the front is they almost always give stuff away, and it is easier to get free stuff if you sit in the front.
If there is a break it is a good idea to get up and go for a walk to get out of the seminar hall to prevent walking salesmen from coming up and talking to you. Wealth seminars can be great places to network with other people who have similar ambitions as yours. As other people how they are earning extra money. Maybe you could even find an investment partner.
Another good reason to go to these free wealth seminars is that they usually give away at least a few gifts just for coming so you will not leave empty handed.
If you come prepared for a wealth seminar and realize that they are sales pitches you will be able to get some good nuggets of information from them.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
10:49 AM
Labels: free wealth seminars, going to wealth seminars, wealth seminar, Wealth seminars
Thursday, July 5, 2007
True Wealth
What is true wealth and how do we get it? It is easy to look up the definition of wealth in the dictionary but you need to define what true wealth is for yourself.
{Get true wealth here}
In the opinion of a lot of people true wealth means not having to work for money, and not having to worry about money. A lot of people say you shouldn’t work for money, and by that most people say that you shouldn’t be working for a paycheck.
A lot of people find it frustrating when people say they shouldn’t work for money, but then how do we get money in the first place? It does take work to make money. What your goal should be if you are after true wealth is cash machines that once set up and beginning to function can work for you even if you are not working.
These cash machines can be any business that you create, buy, or franchise. There are all different types of cash machines. One of the easiest ways to get your own cash machine up and running is to start a business that takes advantage of skills that you already know.
Most people say do what you love, but what if you don’t know what you love, or even worse you don’t know how to make money off of it. That is why you need to focus on a business that takes advantage of skills you already know to get money coming in faster.
Get started today on creating true wealth in your life. To do that you need to start working for yourself, at least part-time in the beginning.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:14 PM
Labels: perfect wealth building formula, True wealth, wealth building, wealth building from home
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Perfect Wealth Formula
Is there a perfect wealth formula? If so what is it and is there a right one for everyone?
The perfect wealth formula does not exist, as you may have already found out. The wealthy are not keeping it a secret, and no one is hiding it from you. You have to find your own perfect wealth formula.
So how do we come up with your own perfect wealth formula? Through trial and error. There are lots of possible ways to get wealthy out there. The easiest way is to start your own business doing the same skills that you are getting paid for right now.
{Get Started On the Road To Wealth With Multiple Streams of Income}
Most people think doing what they love is the way to wealthy, and it can be, but it not the quickest way. Do what you know, and the money will come in faster.
One example of a perfect wealth formula that someone could use would be this: In year one start several websites and get them generating cash for you. Then in year two you can take the cash that you earned from these websites and use the money as a down payment on a rental property. Then in year three you take any equity you have in the house and use it as a down payment for a Laundromat.
There are over a million ways to become wealthy. It is hard to find the perfect wealth formula for yourself, which is why you should start looking right now.
Action is the key to becoming wealthy. Intelligence or education rarely have anything to do with who becomes wealthy, it usually comes down to action, not finding the perfect wealth formula.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
11:02 AM
Labels: building wealth from home, cash machine, making money online, Perfect wealth formula, wealth building
Sunday, July 1, 2007
A 5 Year Plan to Multiple Streams of Wealth
Wealth building can be great fun, but sometimes our plans don’t always go as planned, that is why starting multiple streams of income is a great idea.
Multiple streams of income simply means having several sources of cash coming in. These could sources of income could be from anything. These sources could be websites, real estate, and Laundromats. This list is huge.
You should try to add one more source of income to your life every year. For instance you could just focus on building cash producing websites this year, and then next year focus on buying your first piece of real estate.
By only focusing on one source of wealth per year you can devote the time needed to get your endeavor up and running before moving on to the next one.
Write up a five year plan and pick five streams of income you want to bring into your life. You can also piggyback some of them so you can get the next one up and running.
For example, in year you could spend earning money online and then at the end of year one use that money earned to put down towards your first income producing property. Then at the end of year two you could take any equity out of your house to put down towards a Laundromat. The ideas are endless.
Start today and come up with a 5 year plan. Everyone has fear when they first start wealth building, even the wealthy still have fear, but they have learned to act in spite of it. Start your 5 year multiple streams of wealth plan now!
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
3:19 PM
Labels: 5 year plan for wealth, multiple streams of income, multiple streams of wealth, wealth building, wealth building from home
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wealth Building: Creating Wealth From Home
Creating wealth from home is something everyone wants to do. But few people actually try and even fewer people succeed. So how can be we beat the odds and create wealth at home?
For most people trying to create wealth is something they don’t put much effort into and don’t devote time to. In order to create substantial wealth in your lifetime you need to devote yourself to this pursuit. Set aside a set amount of time each day to focus on your wealth building endeavor.
{Get Started Doing Multiple Streams of Income Right Away, Cover All Bases To Ensure Success}
Also once you decide you want to build wealth at home you need to have a written plan about how you will achieve it. Putting your goals and dreams on paper will make them more concrete, and it will help motivate you more. Another reason for writing the goals on paper is you can’t keep changing the bar. Some people as they start achieving success start raising the bar higher and higher and never reach their goal simply because they continually raise the bar.
The most important step when is comes to creating wealth at home is action, lots of action. This is where most people fail. Most people will get their home office all set up with supplies, and have a nice little business plan, but they sit there. You can’t sit there. You need to take action!
Just one thing won’t create wealth, you need to devote time to your pursuit, develop a good plan, and finally take action. Without one or the other, your wealth building at home plan won’t work.
Good Luck,
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
12:13 PM
Labels: building wealth, Creating wealth from home, home wealth building, wealth building, working at home
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Building Wealth: Getting a Cash Machine
Building wealth is easy once you get a cash machine. What is a cash machine? Well it’s not some magical machine, its something every one of us can build.
A cash machine is a business that you start or buy that generates income for you. The easiest way to get this cash machine is to build a business around skills you already have.
Don’t worry if what your skills are exactly what you love doing, because you need to focus on getting your business up and running quickly.
For example if you are an accountant, see if you can get some independent jobs on the side, either at night or on the weekend. Actively try to solicit work as an accountant and if you have extra work give it to a friend and charge them a finder’s fee.
Even if you don’t love being an accountant, by doing what you already know you can build a cash machine faster.
If you don’t want to build a cash machine you can buy one. This could most likely come from franchises. There are dozens, even hundreds of franchises you can buy for under $1,000.
Start today to get at least one cash machine up and running within the next three months. Then take that cash and keep reinvesting it into other assets, this is the best wealth building plan.
A lot of people get caught up in the details of trying to come up with a detailed business plan, but don’t get caught up in the little details, start right now. Building wealth requires large bold steps, start today.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
5:29 PM
Labels: build wealth, building a cash machine, building wealth, cash machine, wealth, wealth building
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wealth Creation: Debt Into Wealth
The idea of creating wealth can be hard for some people who are even just trying to get out of debt. You can use the same principles that will get you out of debt and use them to catapult you into wealth.
For many people the idea of creating wealth in their lifetime seems almost impossible. For these people most likely have large amounts of debt, credit card debt. So how can we start to see our way out of debt and into wealth?
The way most people teach to get out of debt is to first get an accurate statement of your current net worth. This can be easily done using credit card and bank statements. Once you realize how much debt you have, determine how much extra you have each week to spend paying down your debts.
For most people finding this extra money just to pay down the debt seems almost impossible, and this is the basic reason why most people never get out of debt.
{The best way to build wealth is with Multiple Streams of Income}
This is why you need to create extra cash or income. By creating extra cash every week you can get yourself out of debt and catapult yourself into wealth even faster then you thought of.
Most people try to get ahead by trying to save what little they have each month. What you really need to really create wealth is an extra income of cash.
Once you have paid down your debt, use that extra money to invest in assets. Once you get enough assets producing enough cash flow your money needs are taken care of forever.
Best Wishes,
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:22 PM
Labels: building wealth, create unlimited wealth, create wealth from home, Debt into wealth, wealth creation
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ultimate Wealth Package Review: Is This a Scam?
Mark Warren's Ultimate Wealth Package is one of the most popular home business programs sold on the internet today. It promises that you can earn thousands a week just by working a few hours a week. Is this true?
Once you visit the sales page the Ultimate Wealth Package promises that you can earn $200 to over $1500 a day. Most people will not achieve this with this package, not because it is not possible, but remember 95% of people who buy a program or book never put into action the principles they contain.
Mark claims to have started working in a pizza place before he found his riches on the internet. Now he wants to share his system with us. Normally people who have a system that makes them a lot of money don't reveal it until it no longer works for them or it becomes too competitive, in case I believe there is still money to be made for us.
The great thing about this package is you get a professionally made website all ready for you to start selling, which is why some people in the testimonials claim they were making money from day one.
Another great thing is it doesn't rely totally on Adsense, you sell hard products. And best of all the products are drop shipped for you, so all you have to do is market them. Mark provides several great bonuses in the Ultimate Wealth Package which will teach you basic marketing. For people who have done a great deal of internet marketing the bonuses aren’t very good, but for beginners and people who need a refresher the bonuses are good, not great.
With the Ultimate Wealth Package you earn 75% commission on products you sell which is great if you have been around affiliate marketing for a while. When working with any affiliate marketing course you should look for these high commissions percentages so you can afford to market it and still make a tidy profit.
Two more things to look out for: 1. There is a backend sale which is less than $50 dollars to be aware of, but it is well spent. 2. There is a secret link at the bottom of the main sales page where you can get an additional 25% off.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
7:20 PM
Labels: Mark Warren, Mark Warren Ultimate Wealth Package, Mark Warren UWP, Mark Warren's Ultimate Wealth Package, ultimate wealth package, UWP
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Wealth Building: Do What 95% of People Don't Do
Here is a surprising statistic.
95% of people who buy a book never make it past the first chapter.
Think of all those people who have books at home with the word millionaire somewhere in the title.
With the millions of books sold each year teaching people how to get rich why isn't everyone a millionaire?
This next week strive to be one of the 5% who actually do something to improve their financial situation in life.
You could start with a great program like the Multiple Streams of Income package or why not pick out one of the books on your shelf that has promised you to become rich and try to put those principles into use.
Have a great week!
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
5:21 PM
Labels: building wealth from home, Wealth building secrets, wealth creation
Friday, June 22, 2007
What Action Have You Taken This Week To Increase Your Income
What have you done this week to increase your income?
One thing many people have trouble with is procrastination. They wait until they find the exact right program or read the right book before they being their money making venture.
The truth is most programs will work for you if you are willing to work them. Persistence is the key ingredient to making your finances work.
Resolve today to start doing what it takes to make some extra money. Remember you only need to make an extra $135 a day. This translates into an extra $50,000 a year.
If you don't want to focus on just one venue of income then look into generating multiple stream of income.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
7:26 PM
Labels: extra income, making money on line, multiple streams of income, personal finance, procrastination
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ways To Make Even More Money Online
Do you want to make even more money online? Do you just want to get started making money online? Well before throwing your money away, you need to make some decisions.
First of all if you want to start earning money online don’t spend your money. Most people spend a lot of money buying products or books that are supposed to show them how to make money online.
Know that almost all information can be found for free on the internet. There are dozens of websites and forums full of people like yourself looking to earn extra money online. Best of all they are free.
Also beware of the latest “secret.” Like I said before most information can be found for free on the internet. If you are starting out you should try and make some money by using some free resources rather than trying to spend your money first.
It is very easy to get a free website these days. Just get one website. Now search the internet for affiliate products. Affiliate products are products that you can sell and earn a commission on them. Now just write a review on the product and post it to your website, with a link to the product.
{After earning some money check out this program to take you to the next level: Ultimate Wealth Package}
Now you need traffic, free traffic. You can get lots of free traffic to your site by blogging and posting in forums. One of the best ways to get free traffic is by writing and submitting articles to website article directories.
Start off by using all the free resources you can. If you think you have what it takes to go to the next level, reinvest some of your money and build a nicer website, or develop your own product.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
9:28 PM
Labels: Make money online, online money machine, WAHM, ways to make money online, work at home, work online
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Real Estate and Wealth Expos
Going to local conferences and classes can be great way to learn more about different real estate and wealth building opportunities. Most people don’t take advantage of these great opportunities which makes them an even better deal for you.
You may see many advertisements in your paper or on TV for free or low cost real estate or wealth building meetings in your town. I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities at every chance you get.
Many people blow these meetings off as useless sales pitches, but if you get just one idea from it and you can make money from it, they are worth it. A lot of people don’t go to these meetings because there is inevitably a sales pitch at the end. I admit that I don’t like these parts of the programs myself, but usually I can get one or two ideas that can really help me in my part-time business.
{The best time to get started is now with the Ultimate Wealth Package}
Another advantage of going to these meetings is to meet like minded people who are also looking to increase their knowledge and build wealth. Networking with these people can lead to partnerships or mentoring opportunities. Ask other people around the room what their plans are or what they do to earn extra income. Find out how the guy next to you managed to buy his first rental property.
In order to get wealthy in your lifetime you must look for opportunities to expand your income. You won’t get wealthy by trying to save money or by using coupons. You need to find a cash machine so that you can take that cash and reinvest it into wealth building assets.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:52 PM
Labels: free real estate meetings, Real estate and wealth expo, real estate conferences, wealth expo
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Secrets of the Wealthy
Do you want to build real wealth in your lifetime? Wealth building skills can be learned just like any other skill. So what are the wealth building secrets of the wealthy?
Most often you hear that people say that the secret of the wealthy is the ability to pay yourself firs, but that is too basic. We want real wealth.
Paying yourself first is often the most quoted way to build wealth, but what else is there? Well I think one thing the wealthy do is that they play the money game to win. Middle class people play the money game not to loose. Lower class people aren’t even aware that there is a money game.
The true secret to getting wealthy is expanding your income. You won’t become wealthy by thinking of ways to budget your income better.
Instead of spending weeks trying to get a great deal on a new car that time would be better spent thinking and putting into action plans that will increase your income.
[Resolve to start building multiple streams of income for yourself!]
Start right now to identify your interests or skills that could be used to earn extra income in addition to your regular work. It could be as simple as typing, or more complex like doing extra consulting work on the side.
Remember just an extra $135 dollars a day translates into $50,000 a year. If you reinvest that income into wealth building assets you can achieve real wealth in your lifetime.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:46 PM
Labels: secrets of the wealthy, wealth, wealth building, wealthy secrets
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Outsourcing Routine Home Based Business Work and Your Laundry
Outsourcing has been getting a lot of buzz lately due to the release of the Four Hour Work Week.
If you haven't read this book I encourage you to read it. Many people read the title and immediately blow it off saying that it is impossible. But I encourage you to read it because it can give you some great tips on doing things more effectivley.
One thing he talks about is outsourcing things that you need to do on a daily or weekly basis that are routine.
I'm looking into this and will let you know what I do and how I do it.
In the Four Hour Work Week Tim Farris also goes into how to generate more income so you can only work four hours a week. I found this area to be a little week, there is much better information in the Ultimate Wealth Package, and it has more details on how to impliment some of the ideas.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
7:53 AM
Friday, June 15, 2007
Reinvest in Your Business
Many people first starting out in a home based business have trouble making money, in fact most don't even make money.
Well if you are one of the lucky few like me, I encourage you to reinvest some of your montly earnings back into your business.
{Don't let others have all the success find out how Mark does it}
What do you reinvest your money in?
Well I tell people if you want your website or business to be scalable into a larger company you need to invest in systems or outsource some of your work so you can focus on the parts of the business you absolutely need to do yourself which is likely the most important parts.
Each month look for possible outsourcing companies, or computer programs to help you work faster and more efficient.
Most people have a business that never really makes it past the point of being a hobby because they don't think of how to grow their business.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:18 PM
Labels: home biz, home business reinvesting, homebiz, investing in home business, ultimate wealth package
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
You Need a Home Based Business Plan
A home based business plan is essential for you even if you think you don't need one.
A home based business plan can be as little as one paragraph. Many people think business plans have to be very complicated, many pages, or are for only large companies.
A business plan is there to help keep you on track.
I guarantee you that you will accomplish more in less time if you have a written plan for your business.
Just get started even with one paragraph and a one month action plan. Later expand that to one year.
No matter if you choose to get started doing paid surveys or get the wealth building package, you will benefit and make more money when you decide how much money you want to make each month.
Start with a reasonable goal and work up. People who sell home based business products often promise thousands of dollars a month which is unreasonable when starting out. Aim for just making 10 or 100 dollars the first month and then each month after that aim for a higher amount.
to your success,
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
5:11 PM
Labels: home based business plan, internet marketing, work at home, work at home plan
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Your Boss Thanks You For Working So Hard!
Why do you work harder for your boss than yourself?
Recently I asked myself this question and decided that in order to become financially free I need to start working harder for myself.
I encourage you to do what I'm doing because little changes add up to big results.
What I did was start getting up an hour earlier each day and started working on my own streams of income. I started out doing paid surveys which is eash money to start with, and then moved onto other streams of income as discussed in a book I bought called Multiple Streams of Income.
As first I was not making much, but it is like that in any business at first. But after a few months now I'm making over $500 dollars a month, and some months almost $1000 dollars.
Now this amount of money may not seem like a lot but if you consider that it continues to increase each month it will seem like a lot.
Also if you save all this extra money for retirement you will be able to retire years earlier just for getting up one hour early.
The paid surveys and multiple streams of income programs might claim to make you rich but it will likely not happen, but if it can give you an extra thousand dollars a month after a few months of initial work isn't it worth it?
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
5:48 PM
Labels: multiple streams of income, paid survey, paid surveys, work at home, work for yourself
Saturday, June 9, 2007
You Get What You Plan For
Most people will never accumulate the level of wealth they want for two reasons.
1. They only want to get rid of their debt.
Getting rid of debt is a great goal, but often times it ends there. If your goal is to get to nothing, nothing is what you are going to get. Your goal should be for an abundant life of wealth. By having a goal of wealth, not just the absence of debt, you can start to achieve wealth.
2. They don't have written goals.
The simple act of writing your goals out on paper, while it might seem unimportant, has proven to be very powerful. Often times people don't write goals simply because they aren't into that personal development stuff. But let me tell you that it is very powerful.
Remember by taking little steps each day towards wealth you can achieve it. Something even as minor as reviewing your goals or reading this blog counts as a step.
Another small step could be purchasing a great wealth program like the Ultimate Wealth Package.
To your success.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
12:44 PM
Labels: building wealth, debt reduction, personal development, personal finance, personal success, wealth building
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Automate Your Bill Pay
If you have not yet automated at least some of your bill paying you are really missing out on a great debt and time management tool.
Many people think it is too complicated or will take too much time to set up.
Granted it does take time to set it up to start with but once it is set up there is no more forgetting about paying your bills.
I have almost all bills on automatic bill pay. Right now I only have to write out one check per month and that is for my condo association dues.
(The fastest way out of debt is to create Multiple Streams of Income)
I always check once a month to be sure the bill pay program is working, so it is not totally automatic but it sure helps.
If you are writing out lots of checks every month you need to look into automatic bill pay.
If your bank doesn't offer it, switch to a bank that does
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:39 PM
Labels: automtic bill pay, debt relief, personal finance
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Fierce Personal Finance
Welcome to Fierce Personnel Finance.
Through this blog I hope to give you tips to help make your personal finance automatic and help me to keep me up on top of the latest in personal finance.
Luke Blaise.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:36 PM
Labels: personal finance