If you caught the show it was very good.
The four panelists did a good job of inspiring the audience.
The main theme came down to being brave enough to work for yourself (taking the leap) and becoming excellent in what you do.
I don't know when the next episode of the Millionaire Mind will be but I put up a post when I hear more.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Millionaire Mind: Inspiration
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
7:02 PM
Labels: CNBC Millionaire Inside
Saturday, July 28, 2007
CNBC Millionaire Inside: Inspiration Reminder
Remeber that this Sunday CNBC will be airing the next in their series called: The Millionaire Inside, this week's topic is Inspiration.
For those of you who have not seen any of these shows yet be sure to check them out.
Thirty Day Challenge
For those of you who want to learn to make money online from experts for free check out www.thirtydaychallenge.com
I have done this competition for the last two years and it is awesome. You learn techniques from three experts who do this every year for free!
As a side note: For pet lovers, if you want four free pet books check out the members area of www.free-online-veterinarian-advice.com/askavet.html
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
1:37 PM
Labels: ask a vet, CNBC Millionaire Inside, thirty day challenge
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Make Your Finances Automatic
If you haven't automated your bill paying you really need to start doing this.
By using an online automated bill pay system you can make sure you never miss another bill due date again.
I have been doing this for several years already and have never missed a payment.
(late bill payments are a great way to ruin your credit score.)
Here is an example of how I handle bills I don't know the exact amount I will owe that month. For my credit card I normally pay the whole balance every month. But to be sure I don't miss at least paying the minimum requried I always pay $20 automatically everymonth. That way if I forget to pay the whole amount I am at least covered for the minium payment.
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
2:53 PM
Labels: automtic bill pay, epay, paying bills
Monday, July 16, 2007
$3000 in 30 days challenge results
Recently I decided to challenge myslef to earn $3000 in 30 in a new niche that I haven't tried before.
My rules were to only do article marketing (30 articels) and blog posts. The way I tried to earn money was through Adsense and Affiliate sales.
The results were dismal. I earned only $20. But I learned alot about article marketing and a new niche I haven't tried before.
I limited myself to not spend any money to advertise the site or set it up. Also I only limited myself to article marketing. I did not try any web 2.0 techniques which I have be having great success with my other websites.
I will provide more updates in the future.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
4:41 PM
Labels: Adsense and article marketing
Monday, July 9, 2007
CNBC Millionaire Inside: Debt
Last night CNBC aired a rerun of the Millionaire Inside episode about getting out of debt.
It wasn’t the best one in the series in my opinion because it goes over some very basic concepts and isn’t very inspiring.
There were four experts on stage as usual, two of them were David Back (Automatic Millionaire) and Robert Kyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)
They did announce that on July 28th there will be a new Millionaire Inside episode, this time focused on Inspiration.
I think this future episode will be very good in terms of getting money making concepts go.
Remember to set your TIVO for the 28th.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
6:20 PM
Labels: CNBC Millionaire Inside, David Bach, Rich Dad Poor Dad
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Managing Wealth
Managing wealth can seem to be on overwhelming task but there are lots of resources available to you in order to help you. Also, managing wealth can mean different things to different people.
Congratulations for taking the time to learn about managing wealth. Most people struggle just to pay the bills and seem to just get by in life. But for some people they have worked hard in managing their money to get the wealth they deserve. So how to we manage wealth?
For some people when they think about managing their wealth they think about preserving their current level of worth. This can be easily done by many low risk investments like bonds and conservatively managed mutual funds.
Some advocates suggest that having an asset allocation divided into bonds, stocks, and real estate is best. They say that this diversification is important so you are protected from one sector’s volatility, but as the same time you are exposed to all market opportunities.
If managing your wealth yourself seems overwhelming there are many experts to help you. When interviewing someone to help you manage your wealth be sure to find someone who shares your philosophy and make sure you don’t hire the first person you interview.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the amount of information available to you, you have managed to gain enough assets to be concerned about managing them, which is point most people never reach.
By taking advantage to the wealth of knowledge on the internet and your local investment professional you can make managing your wealth easy.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
3:59 PM
Labels: building wealth, building wealth from home, Managing wealth, personal wealth strategy
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Wealth Seminars
Wealth seminars are great learning tools. Most wealth seminars are offered for free in your area, but are actually sales pitches to buy more expensive training courses. If you know this in advance and come prepared to learn, you can get a wealth of information from these courses.
When going to a wealth seminar be sure to bring a note pad and a pencil to take down notes. Some people will give you a free pen and paper, but don’t rely on this. Also it is a good idea to sit in the front so people coming and going don’t get in the way.
Another good reason for sitting in the front is they almost always give stuff away, and it is easier to get free stuff if you sit in the front.
If there is a break it is a good idea to get up and go for a walk to get out of the seminar hall to prevent walking salesmen from coming up and talking to you. Wealth seminars can be great places to network with other people who have similar ambitions as yours. As other people how they are earning extra money. Maybe you could even find an investment partner.
Another good reason to go to these free wealth seminars is that they usually give away at least a few gifts just for coming so you will not leave empty handed.
If you come prepared for a wealth seminar and realize that they are sales pitches you will be able to get some good nuggets of information from them.
Luke Blaise
Posted by
Crystal Jordan
10:49 AM
Labels: free wealth seminars, going to wealth seminars, wealth seminar, Wealth seminars